Find the Best Services, Products, and Agencies for Seniors
As people continue to live longer, there is an increasing emphasis on services for senior citizens. Whether it’s medical, nutritional, or financial, there are a lot of programs available for older individuals. The following summarizes what types of services and products seniors need and want the most, and what is currently available.

What Services Do Seniors Need Most?
As a person ages, there are a few essentials for seniors to learn about.
- Transportation – Because of declining health, elderly individuals often need transportation to medical appointments, the grocery, or to visit friends and family. There are specific services for the elderly living at home that can provide transportation.
- Medical – Managing medical and health-related conditions is a priority for most seniors. In-home care services in the healthcare field are increasing so older people can remain in their homes for as long as possible.
- Meals – Since it is often difficult for older individuals to drive, shop, or even safely cook in their homes, home meal delivery is essentials for many seniors. There are many businesses that cater to the elderly that deliver meals to a person’s home.
What Do Seniors Want Most?
After making sure an older individual receives adequate health care, transportation, and meals, there are a few other things that seniors often want. Elderly individuals also need social interaction to remain healthy and active. Companion care is an area that is growing that can help seniors who live alone. Sometimes a person just needs to spend a few hours talking or playing a game with another individual. Businesses that cater to the elderly are increasingly focusing on social interaction and emotional care as part of a person’s overall well-being.
What Do Seniors Buy Most?
Senior Safety lists several important items for older individuals who live alone. A few of these items include medical alert systems, grabber poles to help reach items on shelves, and large button phones. Easy jar openers and shower chairs are also items on the list. There are lots of businesses that cater to the elderly and provide items specifically for older people.
What Services Do Local Agencies Provide for Seniors?
There are several specific agencies that are available throughout the country that assist senior citizens. Visiting Angels and Meals on Wheels are two programs that most people are probably familiar with. But there are dozens more that can help older individuals who have the resources to pay for services and for those who are struggling financially. Some of the elderly assistance programs available include the following:
- Congregate Meal Programs – Congregate Meal Programs serve individuals 60 and older. The program provides nutritious meals and socialization.
- Senior Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) – SHIP is an organization to help seniors understand and manage their health insurance.
- Employment Services – For those who are 55 and older and still want to find employment, there are services available to help them. The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a government program that offers assessments by case managers, free physical examinations, and job training placement.
- Transportation Programs – AARP provides extensive information regarding transportation options for elderly individuals. It is also important to talk with your seniors about when driving may no longer be an option for them.
- Government Assistance – There is free government money for seniors over 50. Law Guideline explains several free government programs for seniors.
If you’re a caregiver, a family member, or a friend of an older individual, it is sometimes difficult to know where to get assistance or even where to begin when a senior needs help. There are, however, lots of local agencies and organizations available to help with everything from meals to financial assistance.